


因為在菲律賓巴科羅E-room語言學校,我遇到了很多來自不同國籍的朋友,我也很享受每一天的遊學生活! 也因這樣的短暫旅程,不禁讓我思考著我的過去,以及我的未來!

雖然巴科羅的EROOM學校規模不大,但是這裡很溫馨,老師、教職員跟同學們,大家就像一家人一樣,有新學生的到來,每個人都會很開心的歡迎他們! 當有人結束課程要離開E-room,我們會由衷地跟他們感謝道別,雖然傷感但同學之間的情誼永遠不會離開。我想要再去很多國家旅行,然後有一天成為一個很好的人!




Finish of my second Philippine trip. This trip was best in my life, because i have met a lot of peoples and enjoyed day to day. I think traveling alone is a great chance to myself. I can recall the past and think of the future. I’ve met a lot of people as Manager, All of them came here from various of country to achieve one’s dream. Although we look like different, But we were family in here. When someone who new student came here, we were glad to welcome them. When someone who leave somewhere, we share our sorrow. So i wanna go to abroad and i would like to meet a lot of peoples. Somedays i will be a great guy.

This is for my Teachers. Sincerely Thanks.


菲律賓語言學校選讀: 巴科羅E-ROOM

菲律賓英文選讀課程: 密集課程A

菲律賓遊學就讀週數: 8週


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